Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hollywood Scuffle

Are these tabloids really this desperate!!!  Are we so starved for entertainment, that we are taking pleasure in seeing a family in turmoil with cameras and paparazzi along for the ride. 

But what's even more disturbing is that the people that this media circus is surrounded could end this but have now have a taste of the nectar and are refusing to let it go. When have you ever heard of a story in People Magazine carrying over two weeks before!! 

 I am speaking of Jon & Kate +8 which really should be plus 200 when you include the cameras, the crew, the producers and special guest star, Kate's insane temper. Jon and Kate have said that the day that the children are no longer interested in doing the show that they would stop but I think is a load of crap. Like Jay-Z and Beyonce say in their song "Hollywood" when you blinded by the light and you need that action its hard to walk away from that.

If someone like Kate who seems to be the "king of that castle", there is no way that those show will die anytime soon. 

Jon is being especially quiet about the state of their marriage. Am I alone in this? Does anyone else think that Kate is probably physically abusing him. Not questioning Jon manhood but domestic violence against men is more common that we would like to admit. Its seems that he is slightly afraid of his wife. I am just speculating.  

I wish the two all the best in their lives whether it be rebuilding their obviously damaged relationship or moving to the next stage in their lives. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

GM's walk on "The Green Mile"

Good Morning. 
It was a pretty interesting day yesterday. The U.S. Government and President Obama announce the bankruptcy of General Motors, Conan O'Brien starts his new job as the "king of late night", It was the first day of Hurricane Season in Texas. So essentially a day of  doom!! 

So what does the U.S. think it can do to revive something that has obviously the beginning of the end.  If GM  wasn't successful in getting  the american consumer to buy their cars what will suddenly make GM so appealing  to them with the US government seal stamped on the bumper!  The american people have spoken. We are no longer interested in buying these cars! The only other option would be that they offer the cars as a free gift with purchase during tax time, offering an incentive for people to pay their taxes on the due date of April 15th. All I can say to this is good luck, GM is going to need it. 

I am sure I wasn't alone in watching the first  "Tonight Show" with Conan O'Brien, delivering his first monologue as the new "King of late Night" and I have to say it looked more like the court jester trying not to get his head cut off!. Its not that I dislike O'Brien but he is Leno, definitely no Carson and not even close to Paar. Not that Leno was all that great in the first place, so I guess as long as they have human breathing body filling the seat it really doesn't matter, people will just DVR it anyway. 

Here's a interesting tidbit, former Vice President Dick Cheney offered support for gay marriage by saying that "everyone should have a shot a that". I think he is saying what any logical person on this issue would say. Everyone should have the right to be miserable for better or worse for as long as you both shall live. Look out world, its coming whether you like or not. 

Friday, May 29, 2009

First Impressions

I would have never imagined that I would have created a blog so that I could air out my thoughts in a constructive and controlled way. So for everyone willing to go on this journey, buckle up, its about to get real ugly. 

I would like to start my thought with the confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor. This a truly inspiring story of woman who stood above all else to achieve her dreams and stay true to her heritage and being a beacon for women of latin decent and all women of color. 

I am slightly disappointed that she felt the need to retract a quote from a speech that she made in 2001 and University of California, Berkley. I think that it was a huge mistake for her to say she regrets her statement. She is woman of great intelligence and lasting integrity, attributes we don't find in people in general much less someone being considered for a prestigious post. 

This country still lives in the ultimate bubble of denial. Let's just say it AMERICA, "WE DON'T WANT THE LATIN WOMAN FROM THE PROJECTS AS A SUPREME COURT JUSTICE!" White American has waited all there entire lives to be able to call a minority a racist out loud, since that were never could before.  these commentators from the right are having a feel day with this.  Next thing you know one of them will be giving a speech and will call someone a "nigger" or spick or something like that and then turn around and say, "I AM NOT A RACIST" Can you imagine the anarchy!! 

I think that so often we find that when people are describing america, they are describing there america as they see it and don't realize for a moment how detached they are from the rest of the world. Think about it, who are your friends??, who you date??, what books do you read??

They are all reflective of your personal experience and secretly you don't want anyone messing up your routine because god forbid  you stand out and actually formulated thoughts on your own!!  CONFORMITY IS A COPY OUT TO BEING SOMETHING REAL!!  

To those who see this. Thank you. Its only the beginning.